New blog online!

Finally. My User Experience blog is back online in a new incarnation.

It’s been quite a while since the last update on my previous blog at I stopped updating because the hosted platform was quite limiting, and I wanted to be able to “play” with my blog as a way of practicing my front-end coding skills.

After watching a lot of Chris Coyier’s screencasts (highly recommended, the guy knows HTML/CSS/Wordpress upside-down), I ended up purchasing some hosting and domains so I could install the whole WordPress package and toy with it.

Instead of going straight for my new blog I took the time to create a site for my girlfriend (she’s into education and needed a site to advertise her services) which is (in Catalan), and a little personal project, (in Spanish), a pc-hardware site mostly for toying with SEO. This helped me understand WordPress, SEO & SEM a little bit better.

Now, after working a little adapting the standard WordPress’ “Twenty Eleven” theme into something that expresses myself better (I like the “wireframe” look… I was thinking about subtitling this blog as “My life as a wireframe” for a while), I am ready to start blogging again. There’s a lot of stuff I have learned lately, and a lot of exciting UX-related stuff going on, so I will try to write shorter articles but more often.

So, stay tuned for more updates very soon!

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